Saturday, April 28, 2007

the times..

20-I stare blankly at the question paper..not knowing how to do and how to start even.

18-I look at that someone and wished that she was mine but in the end I discovered that I am just another one of the long line of normal guys attracted to her.

20-I look at that someone and just wanted to tell her how I feel about her but unsure of whats gonna happen.

20-I slugged myself out and get grades that are oh-so-disappointing.

20-I called back to home just to find out of everyone is well.

20-I met with failures and I was the one who picked myself up from the dust and from the dead.

18/19/20-I suffered injury when I was having fun on the football field.

19-I mourn at the death of my uncle and my grandparents and my fact I am beginning to be numb toward emotions at funerals.

19/20-I await the results of my mum's latest CT Scan anxiously.

I guess I have become accustomed to all these..I would be even if I am not supposed to.

It is the mental strength that comes with years of experience.

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