Saturday, December 30, 2006

Referring to the rumours surrounding Peter Crouch's departure to Newcastle United, this is the page header on for today, 30th December.

"Benitez: Crouch stays put"

The very first thing that struck me was Benitez was telling his dog to crouch and stay put.

sorry Liverpool fans. :P ... bash me if u want to.

feeling nonsensical

piglets are little pigs.

outlets are little shops (most of them do not refer to the main headquarters.)

but..why arent leaflets little leaves?

why arent pamphlets little pampers?

and...why arent chocolates little chocos?

Friday, December 29, 2006

I don't look good in caps. The word cap doesnt look good in caps either.

90% Decided.

Gonna take 6 modules for next semester. my CAP won't be a factor to deter me from doing so. If I can't cope with it then I will maybe probably S/U one of my electives. The cores I have for next semester: Critical Thinking and Writing EG1413, Intro to Materials Science and Engineering MLE1101, Mathematics II MA1506, and Electrical Engineering EG1108.

The other module i am gonna take are GEK2507 Computational Methods for Basic Finance. The description sounds really interesting to me cause I always wanted to study something related to financial analysis. Its also something related to the prestigious CFA license that I might want to take after I graduate. Plus sis also told me finance is kinda interesting and straightforward. So I am gonna go for it.

SSB2216 Employee Management in Singapore is also something I have in mind. Originally wanted to take MNO but was put off by the workload since I already have the very mafan CTW allocated to me as one of my cores. Heard Wan Ling said the module is ok and doesnt eat up much of my time. Some more if the going gets too tough for me I might S/U it also so that my CAP wont be dragged down even further down the abyss. Siew Yik and Chee Guan also taking it with me, won't feel too sien studying it alone.

All these adds up to a fictional module I am taking next semester, which is CRS6001 Cap Rescue Semester. 6 modules mean that it is a level-6000 module,the 1 means that it is for first year undergraduates.

I know that saying that (the CRS6001 thingy) and telling it to myself makes me stressed up, but I cannot deny the truth. Have to pay more attention next semester and stop becoming so blur. As John said, use the past as a reference and dont dwell too much on it. Disappointments in life come and go. Life goes on....

Gonna go back to Singapore on the 2nd of Jan if conditions permit. Bidding for my intended modules only start on 3rd January, ample time for me to make any adjustments and tweaks necessary.

So, 6 modules and 24.0 MCs await me next sem. This is the situation now. 2 level 2000 modules are amongst it,will I survive or will I sink unstoppably to the bottom of everything? I shall say good luck to myself first.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

An exceptionally disastrous day

Checked CAP this morning. It was depressingly low! Naturally I felt damn low after that. It is really low to the point that I was about to give up studying. But, what has been done is over, it is time to focus on next sem. The low CAP has kinda derailed my plans to take 6 modules next semester though. I really doubt my ability sometimes. Or is it because of the way I am using? Hmmm I must think this over in these few short days. Luckily I dun have programming next semester, which is a good thing to a large extent.

More discouraging scenes were about to come. As I stepped into home I saw the sight of dad lying on the sofa. Anxiously I asked mum what had happened. Looks like Dad's heart is weak. He felt weak after fixing the leak on the rooftop. That stupid annoying leak. It just cant be fixed. Sigh. Now Dad is in JB General Hospital seeking treatment. I couldnt go because the ambulance cant fit 2 members of the family and also because bro is alone at home. I really wanted to go there and take care of Dad. But I know that Dad is in the good hands of Mum. :)

"Even when things go wrong, it is always going right."

Based on the quote above I heard in church on Christmas,I am not gonna feel down for too long due to these two events.

Ryan is strong, S.T.R.O.N.G, kuat dalam semangat. I am strong cause I am on Your shoulders.

Now fretting over which module to take. Cant take Marketing anymore cause the finals clash with the EE one. Sienzzzz....Perhaps MNO, perhaps PC1432, perhaps Employee Management in Singapore, or perhaps an arts GEM that lets me write and makes me think unscientifically. :P shall settle this dilemma by 5pm tomorrow. hehe..

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Back from Penang..and my thanks to everyone who has touched me with graciousness.

I had no time to blog after coming back from Penang.

Ate too / soooo much in Penang. Love the hokkien prawn noodles and laksa there. The seafood was overrated, or was it because my hosts didnt brought us to the best makan place in Penang due to time constraints. I shared the nasi kandar with Ferdy at Subaidah, a mamak stall there. The lamb was cooked to a degree of softness that was comfortable to the palate yet not too mushy, the chicken was wonderfully tasty, with the sweetness and tanginess just to perfection (or almost). It was really good. No photos to upload...haih.

Had great fun in Penang. We went for Karaoke and sang for 3 and a half hours. Then went for the movie Confessions of Pain in Gurney Plaza. One of my fondest memories was joking under the ais kacang stall with the gang about Penangite slang. LOL.

Today,I went to First Baptist Church with James, Syen and Kai Lin. I was supposed to meet them at 9:15am but only woke up at 9:08am. LOL. The service reminded us of the meanings of Christmas and what it really represents, and how God has given us so much. I felt good after going to church. I can't really describe the feeling but, it was, well, good. Feels at peace especially after going to service with good friends. Thanks James for driving me there. It was also good to see that Kai Lin finds the pastor's preaches interesting. :)

Went to MV with the gang just now, did the usual shopping stuff ithere. Was kinda looking at the clothes only. I wonder why nothing seems to strike a fancy in me and tugs at me to buy them. After that we went to the famous Steven's Corner for dinner. I had the mee goreng Mamak while most of them had the Cheese naan, which the shop prides its name upon. I didnt order it because I had a bad experience with cheese naans; the last one i ordered some time ago was kinda tasteless with no taste of cheese at all. Tried one piece from Xander's. It was surprisingly good. It was soft and not burned, yet the fragrance and saltiness of the cheese explodes once the piece is was in my mouth. It was good!

Went to John's place after dinner. The houses there are very nice. It fully epitomises the beauty from one of the forms of art that i truly love, that is architecture. I guess if situations were perfectly ideal I would be studying architecture now. Reality is rarely identical with ideals. I especially like the interior of one of those houses; it had glasses and concrete walls to a good proportion. To me one of the elements of a beautiful home is fully reminding the onlookers of its size and girth but also keeping it neat and elegant. I personally dun like too much frills and curvy shapes on my home, be it the interior or exterior. Straight lines, the usage of glasses coupled with beige walls totally rock! That said, not every house near Mines Wonderland is nice to me.

But whatever what it is, it is the company that is the most important. I am blessed to have sincere friends with me along the way. I never expected this to happen so fast within one semester. Nothing is better than spending time with a whole bunch of good friends that are kind and willing to spend time and also money with us. Who knows what a united 5B gang can do/go after next semester? I relish the thought. :) Does anyone share the same sentiments as me?

The conversation with James in his car after sending Syen back is one of the more memorable and enlightening ones to date. Glad to know that he agrees with most of my views about life, friendship and studies. James is a guy with a lot of wisdom although he seldom shows it off to others.

This post is getting long-winded. I must take this oppurtunity to say thanks to:

  • Chubs - who tirelessly drove us around Penang for 2 days and letting us put up for 2 nights at his house.
  • Kai Lin, who introduced us to the many types of food in Penang. Both Chubs and Lin made my stay at Penang a memorable though it was kinda short. Penang people seem to exhibit a kind of warmness in welcoming their guests, a good value in traditional Chinese families.
  • James, who drove us around KL for miles and miles, and asked me to go church with him.
  • Syen,whom I always have a lot of fun bullying and teasing when she is with me and explained some of the stuffs to me during service today.
  • John, who let us go to his rather "humble" adobe (LOL) at that time of the day.Like I said he is 18 but he is not 18.....?!?!?!?! :P

And yes, the lameness that has been slumbering inside me has awoken. Albeit abuptly. MUAHAHAHA! Beware you mere mortals, be very very aware. ;)