Monday, December 8, 2008

Of observations

I was listening to Clinton's speech made recently at the capital of my home country. It was telecasted on satellite television.

In true American style (and accent), the speech highlights the usual ideals of mankind. i.e: equality, meritocracy, the fulfilment of personal dreams and the lot. He mentioned how Barack Obama's election as President of the United States of America signals that the USA is ushering in a new dawn where racial equality is at its peak (at least in the USA).

Upon saying that, the crowd, full of politicians and businessmen clapped their hands. Some even cheered for him.

But the reality is, I am not exactly convinced by their actions. Were they just intentionally getting a piece of the action or really agreeing with the words of Clinton ?

I detect fakeness.

Because I know, ultimately the country's policies will not cease to end in the near future. And what I was witnessing were perpetrators and beneficiaries of the protectionist policies clapping their hands at something against their political ideology.

Pretense pretense.

On the same topic, The Star and Malaysiakini were highlighting the different excerpts from that exact Clinton speech. Go figure. I think most educated readers would know why.

On another note, please take a look at what I found on Channelnewsasia:

Wife of former NKF chairman pleads guilty to money laundering


For those who do not understand Singapore, who says corruption and financial misdemeanour are down to zilch in Singapore? I reckon the Marketing Department of the Government of Singapore is doing a bloody fine job of projecting too clean an image of Singapore to foreigners.

P/S: The term "home country" is up to the interpretations of the readers. Of course, I am bloody sure all of you would know which country I am talking about. Honestly, I changed the exact names to what they represent in this blog post, for fear of IS@ 's prying geeks.