Monday, March 12, 2007


Doing this as tagged by Syen.

6 unique things about me.

1. I dieted like crazy before. 2 years ago, I ate only a quarter plate of a rice per meal, with lightly stir fried veggies and almost no meat. Yeah, that was the life I used to lead.

2. I am a car freak. I could even remember some of the specs of Lambos that I love, right down to every detail. I used to have over 40 toy cars when I was small. The photo of me posing with all the cars proudly is still with me.

3. I love watching rugby, not many people love to do that. I appreciate the beauty of backward passing, tackling and running.

4. I scaled a steep mountain at 4AM in the morning before. Had to use torchlight just to see the way. Just to watch the sunrise...but alas, it was blocked by the clouds.

5. I can be a neatness freak at times, but not always. When I have the mood, I would clean my room until it is squeakily clean. At other times I would just heck care. But still, the condition of my room is far and way better than last sem.

6. I like to say the words "Thank You" even if it is just for something that even the giver finds insignificant. I dunt know why. LOL.

so that completes my taggg...mission accomplished :P

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