Thursday, March 8, 2007


Saw a few things in PGP.

-the term hosereel sounds and looks like hoser eel. Some more the spacing between the letters make it look even more so. hmm. Hosereel is like a reel of tape but its a hose. Correct. Hoser eel is an eel-like hose or a hose-like eel. Eh, sounds correct also nia. It means the same thing, lol.

-rubbish bin in the toilet is now a rubbish hill. Rubbish seems to have piled up overnight. Well, I am one of the one of those that moved and created that hill. Cant blame me cos my room is just a few footsteps away from the toilet. It isnt surprising when the nearest rubbush chute is another cluster away and 5 other guys in the same semi-cluster feel the same way too.

-the notice on the rubbish chute that says "Please dispose of your refuse here." makes me either wanna piss or shit into the chute. To me, refuse means what my body refuses, i.e in liquid or solid or semi solid form.

-had Cowhead milk recently. On the box wrote "Awarded Superbrands Singapore 2002/2003" wait a minute. It is 2002/2003 for goodness sake. Still dare to label it there. No wonder it doesnt taste so good. Farmhouse rocks and kicks Cowhead's ass.

Well, maybe the only benefit that I might gain after drinking a pack of Superbrands Singapore Cowhead milk is to be able to turn into Supercow.

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