Saturday, January 13, 2007

drugged...entirely fictional.

These days have been especially tough on me. I had suicidal thoughts. I contemplated self murder. In the end I decided not to. I had to live. And live a life full of pleasure and joy free of troubles. I seeked refuge in drugs.

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This bottle contains pills of 4,8-dimethylonlygodknowswhatnamethisthingispenthox. I took 4 pills for 3 days consecutively as opposed to the recommended dosage of only half a pill per day (!). It was ok., sent me swirling up up up and high into the sky.

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These orange pills rock..each of them are 100mg of 2,3-triphenylthesepillswillmakeyoufeelgoodtoxine. It tasted sweet like orange. In fact it was a sweet. I felt like I went to nirvana with these small orange kids. In nirvana I saw the colours of the world...I almost went into a trance. I danced with small orange kids.

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Third item I ordered was black pills of mommamiathesedoesmakesyoufeelgood carbonate. It felt good. It was okay okay only wat. The stupid boss of the drugstore told me about its properties and exaggerated on it. Aa dozen of it costed me RM240. At RM20 per pop I had better lean to enjoy it.

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They say the best things come last. This is a row of natrium dunnowatthehellitcontains disodium penthyl. The pills were red in colour and were very small. The feeling as it ran down my throat and seeped into my bloodstream through my veins was indescribable.


* the above was a parody of the now demised *

I hope the ISA won't tahan me over this. ;p

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