Sunday, December 31, 2006

thoughts and a change

* When life throws you lemons at the speed of a throw of an MLB player, its up to us to catch it with a gloved hand, absorb its impact, put it into the appropriate blender and swallow it fast no matter how sour or bitter it might taste.

-When we are down in the dumps, always know that there are people in worse predicament than us. What about the skin and bones children in Africa? What about the people with deformed bodies? What about the people who cant even afford to study in university? Count our blessings. I know I did.

sheeesh. Cant take GEK2507 anymore. It cant freaking fit my timetable no matter how i freaking tweak the whole thing. Cos got 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of labs every week. The workload is too heavy. Got CTW, got MA labs, got EG labs..I will have no time for all these assignments. So,I decided to scroll through the GEM list. . most probably I would be taking GEK1542 Forensic Science. Kinda inspired by CSI. Lets hope its as interesting as I think it should be. :)

The next post should be about my New Year's Resolution.

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